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�At a meeting of the Proprietors of Land in the late Province of Maine holding under the Will of Bridget Phillips late of Boston Widow decd, by Adjournment June 14th 1770

               The Hon Nathl Sparhawk Esq Moderator
    Mr Secretary Oliver Mr Cushing, Cole Powell Mr Phillips
   Mr Bromfield Dr Warren Mr Brown Mr Sewall of York + Mr

Voted that the method for calling Meetings for the future be as follows viz

   The Clerk of this Propriety for the time being at the

Request of three or more of the Proprietors in writing be and hereby is empowered from time to time to call a Meeting, by inserting an Advertisement thereof in any one of the Monday News papers printed in Boston + usually circu -lated in the Country, three weeks successively, signifying the Time + Place, specifying the several Matters + Things to be transacted thereat. The Meeting to be within Thirty to not less than Twenty days from the Publication of the Advertisement in the Paper aforesaid. And it shall be the Duty of the Clerk to insert the Several Matters and Things suggested to him by the Proprietors applying as speedily after such Application as may be.

   Voted that there shall be a Township laid out of the

Contents of thirty six square miles in such Form as the Land shall admit, adjoining to Coggs hall in the South East; and that the Quantity of twelve thousand Acres in Lotts of one hundred Acres each, shall be marked + Laid out near the middle thereof, leaving suitable and Convenient Road, of four rods wide; + that a Plan thereof be made + returned to the Propriety

 Also Voted that another Township of thirty in

square miles be laid out in such form as the Land shall admit at the upper Land of said Proprietors Claim; and that the Quantity of twelve thousand Acres in lots of one hundred acres each shall be marked
