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�by Death

 Voted that one sixty fourth part of Each of

said Townships be granted for the Use of the Congre gational ministry forever

 Voted that one sixty fourth part in Each of

said Townships be granted for the use of a School for ever

 Dr Joseph Warren moved that one Sixty fourth

Part in said Townships be appropriated for the use of Harvard College for ever for the Support of a Professor of Physick who may be established there

 The Consideration of which portion was by a

Vote referred unanimously to the Adjournment of this meeting

 Then the meeting was adjourned till the first

Wednesday in February next to meet at this place at Six o'Clock afternoon

Wednesday February the 6th 1771 The Proprietors met at the Vernon Head Tavern in Boston according to Adjourn ment present Mr Cushing Moderator Mr Phillips Dr Warren Mr Marsh + Mr Adams

 Voted that the Consideration of the Motion made on the 7th of

December last viz that one Sixty fourth part of the Townships ordered by the Proprietors to be laid out by vote of the 14 June 1770, be granted for the use of Harvard College forever for the Support of a Professor of Physick there, be further referred till the next Adjournment

 Then the meeting was adjourned till the 20th of March next

then to meet at this place at six o'Clock afternoon

 March 6th 1771 The Proprietors met according to

Adjournment Present Mr Cushing Moderator Dr Warren Mr Joseph Wheelwright Mr Gowan Brown and Mr Adams

 Voted that this Meeting be further adjourned till the 

Tenth day of April next, at this place

April 10th 1771 The Proprietors met at the Vernon Tavern according to Adjournment and further adjourned till Wed nesday the fifth of June next at Six o'Clock PM then to meet at this Place

 Wednesday June 5th 1771 th.e proprietors met at the Vernon Tavern According to

adjournment Thomas Cushing Esq Moderator Dan Marsh Clerk p Tem

 Voted that the meeting be adjourned to the fourth Wednesday of this instantly

at five o'Clock P.M Then to meet at this place being the 26th day

                                                  Attest Dan Marsh Clerk p.