From DigitalMaine Transcription Project
Resolve authorizing a loan of money 243, 249, 253
" respecting grants of land for public purposes 247
" authorizing the Governor to appoint of the State Prison 247, 250, 259, 268
" relating to the Kennebec road 249, 251, 263
" authorizing the purchase of books for the use of the Legislature 249, 252, 268
" relating to the allowance of the Massachusetts Claims 251, 254, 279, 286
" committing certain fees to the Secretary of State. 260, 276
" appointing an Agent to procure certain articles 260, 276
" for the payment of the accounts against the State 261, 273, 274, 276
" for the purchase of Stationary 265, 267, 276
" for the payment of contingent expenses 265, 267, 276