Order for the Secretary of State to procure the necessary State Printing foul [?] year} 27 that no petitions of a private nature be received after 26th January}28 that the Secretary of State transmit circulars concerning the Deaf & Dumb} 49 concerning on Session per day} 63 for printing the Report of D Rose, superintendent of the State Prison} 64 from the House requesting certain papers} 69. 96. 117 that the Sect of State lay returns of Bank &c 71 respecting all petitions & remonstrance on the subject of New Counties} 118 joint, for two Sessions per day - 119 " concerning Tennessee Resolutions 206 " that the Secretary of State lay before the Legislature all returns of Deaf & Dumb} 214 respecting making up the Pay Roll 237. 238 respecting adjournment 240 for the Bill respecting the endorsement of wills} 245