[Left margin: 1825]
with this order thereon to be served on the town Clerk of Mt. Desert, thirty days at least before the first wednesday of the first session of the next Legislature: Read, accepted and sent down for concurrence: concurred.
[Left margin: Bill enacted]
Mr. Parlin from the committee on engrossed Bills, reported a
Bill to incorporate the Commercial Bank,” to be truly copied, and it was passed to be enacted.
[Left margin: Reports on Petitions]
Mr. Green from the committee, on petition of Gersham Wait & als. reported that the petitioners cause an attested copy of their petition, with this order thereon to be sewed on the town clerks of the town of Dixfield and Canton respectively, thirty days at least before the first wednesday of the first session of the next Legislature: Read, accepted and sent down for concurrence: concurred.
Mr. Green from the committee, on petition of Inhabitants of Lisbon, reported that the same be referred to the next Legislature: Read, accepted & sent down for concurrence.
Mr. Green from the committee, on petition of Dudley Fogg & als. reported that they have leave to bring in a Bill: Read, accepted and sent down for concurrence: concurred
Attest Charles B. Smith, Secretary