[Left margin: 1825 February 23]
Resolve relating to the sale and settlement of the Public Lands,” was read once and committed, and tomorrow at 10 o clock assigned for a 2d reading.
[Left margin: Resolve]
Resolve fixing the place of meeting of the next Legislature, came up with an amendment in which the Senate concur and pass the same to be engrossed.
[Left margin: Bill]
Bill additional to the several Acts now in force to organize, govern and discipline the Militia of this State,” came up, and the House adopt further amendments: The Senate nonconcur the House, and insist upon their former vote by which they passed the Bill to be engrossed: sent down for concurrence.
[Left margin: Resolve]
Mr. Scammon from the committee on accounts reported a
Resolve making appropriation for the expenses of the State Arsenal,” which was read once and committed, and tomorrow at 10 o clock assigned for a 2d reading.
[Left margin: Bill]
Bill to incorporate the Bangor Manufacturing and Exporting Company,” was taken from the files and laid on the table: And the Senate reconsider their former vote; nonconcur the House, and refer the Bill to the next Legislature; and order that the same be published in the Eastern Argus, printed at Portland, and the Bangor Register and Penobscot Gazette, printed at Bangor, three weeks successively; the last publication to be thirty days at least before the meeting of the next Legislature: sent down for concurrence.