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Mr. Green from the committee appointed to ascertain and report who are the Constitutional Candidates to fill the vacancy in the Senate occasioned by the resignation of the Hon. Jonas Parlin Jun. reported that they find the two highest candidates from whom a choice is to be made, to be Richard Sawtell Esq. who had 333 votes, and William Lancy Esq. who had 284 votes, and that they are the Constitutional Candidates to fill the said vacancy: Read and accepted; sent down. -

[Committee of Conferrence [Conference]]

Order directing the committee on State Lands to inquire what lands, if any, belong to Massachusetts and Maine, adjoining the town of Gilead, came up and the House appoint as conferees on their part Messrs. Wingate, Dane and Adams; and the Senate appoint on their part Messrs Ripley, Holland and Churchill upon the subject of difference between the two Houses. -


Mr. Ripley from the committee on an order directing them to consider what alterations, if any, are necessary in the laws relating to tresspass [trespass], reported that the subject be referred to the next Legislature: Read, accepted and sent down for concurrence: concurred. -


Resolve relating to Burnt Island,” Bill to incorporate the East Pond Dam Company in Vassalborough,” and


Bill to apportion and assess on this State a tax of $45,106.84 cts,” were severally read a 2d. time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the House. -
