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�State of Maine.


ON this fourteenth day of July, 1820, personally appeared before Nathan Weston Jr one of the Justices of the Supreme [Justice of the Circuit -- all struck through] Judicial Court [of Common Pleas, for the Counties of Lincoln, Kennebec and Somerset -- all struck through], being a Court of Record [for said Counties -- all struck through], proceeding according to the course of the common law, having original jurisdiction, unlimited in amount, keeping a record of their proceedings, and having the power of fine and imprisonment, Benjamin Curtis aged sixty three years, resident in Monroe in the County of Hancock within said [Circuit -- struck through] State, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth, on his oath, declare that he served in the Revolutionary war as follows, viz. [in the Company commanded by Captain and Regiment commanded by Colonel of the line of the State of -- all struck through] upon the Continental Establishment, for the period of nearly fifteen months, on board the Dean Frigate commanded by Cap. Samuel Nicholson -- in 1777. & 1778. and in the first [illegible] captured two of the enemy's vessels, one of which was a twenty gun ship, out of Liverpool --

that his original declaration was made before Judge Crosby, on the twenty fifth day of April 18181; that he is now an applicant for a [on the Maine Roll, and that his -- all struck through] pension