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To Z Long Jun. Boston. Oct .3/52

Sunday. [underlined] Mrs. Alexander Robinson is better. I wish you to go to the Apothecary Store No. 154 Washington Street + buy for me 1/2 yd. [illegible]Case, for which you will pay 621/2 cts. They showed me some when i was there at 1.25 per yard. roll it up, + put papers around it, + have it put into one of Uncle Lucius' boxes. I will hand the money to him, + you may ask him for it. So I shall send by him, in [underlined] all, [underlined] by on $1.62 1/2. You will perhaps value this pursuits more if I tell you, it is all i have except 23 cents.

Mr. Small preaches at Union chapel today. Susan Ricord continues with us, + is as robust as need be. She is the best help mother has had for many years. She is kind, + true, + faithful, + economical, + knows how to do many things. She gets up in the morning. I shall try hard to make her stay with us, + make her home with us. F. Q. J. Smith will be here this week. I dread to see him. for i must give him some answer to his proposition to buy my situation. And I am altogether undecided as to what is best to do. I must do something.