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each year, for the necessary job printing for the State, specifying whether the same was paid under contract, or by allowance of the Legislature - read and passed.

On motion of Mr Smith of Newfield, Ordered, that the Senate be requested to send to this House a Resolve, ordered to be published by the last Legislature & referred to this, providing for the sale of public land for the establishment of Libraries and for the benefit of Schools - read & passed.

Ordered that the committee on the Judiciary be instructed to revise the laws for the support of the Poor, so far as to provide for the sale and conveyance of the Real Estate, of which a married Woman may be seized in her own right, for her support when she become chargeable as a Pauper, with leave &c - read & passed. Sent up for concurrence.

An order came from the Senate for concurrence, directing the Committee on Banks & Banking to consider whether any, and what alterations ought to be made in the Act, entitled an additional act respecting Banks, passed the last session of the Legislature. with leave to report &c - and the House concurred.

Petition of John Bennock & al & report thereon and accompanying papers, taken from the last years files of the Senate, came from the Senate referred to the committee on Turnpikes Bridges & Canals for concurrence - and the House concurred.

The committee on contested elections to whom was referred an order instructing them to inquire & report whether any person has been permitted to take a seat in this House as a member thereof who is not constitutionally entitled to the same by reason of his holding any office of profit or honor under this State, made their report, which being read and considered was accepted by the House.