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64 [left margin] Expediency of altering Law regu- lating Innholders +c , that it shall not be lawful for them to sell liquor to be drunk there [main body] That the committee on the Judiciary be instructed to in- -quire into the expediency of so altering or amending the existing Laws for the regulation of Innholders +c, that it shall not be lawful for any Victuallers and Retailers to sell any Rum, Bran- -dy or other strong liquors to be mixed or drunken in or about their stores, houses +c . And to consider whether any further provisions are necessary additional to the provisions of said Laws with leave to report by bill or otherwise were severally read and pass- -ed in concurrence.

[left margin] Bill establishing salaries of Judge + Register of Probate for the county of Waldo [main body] Bill establishing the salaries of the Judge + Register of Pro- bate for the county pf Waldo came up amended for concurrence and the Senate concurred.

[left margin] Bill ad. respecting salaries for probate officers, taken from files + referred [main body] On motion by Mr. Balkam Bill additional respecting Pro- bate salaries was taken from the files and referred to Messrs Bal- -kam and Sweat with such as the House may join. Sent down for concurrence. concurred and Messrs Johnson, Mitchell and Miller were joined.

[left margin] pet of Elias Berry +als from files. Referred [main body] On motion by Mr Dennett the petition of Elias Berry + others was taken from the files and referred to the committee on Turnpikes, Bridges and Canals. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

[left margin] Chaplain chosen [main body] Agreeably to assignment the Senate proceeded to ballot for the choice of a Chaplain. Messrs Dennett, Shaw and Grover appointed a committee to receive, sort and count the votes re- -ported the whole number of votes to be 17 Necessary to constitute an election 9 Revd Samuel Rand had 10 " Elijah Kellog " 4 " John Bisbee " 2 " Thomas B. Ripley " 1 Reverend Samuel Rand was declared elected and motion by Mr Cushman, the President was directed to notify him of his election, Resolve