Tuesday January 22nd 1828
Order of the House of Representatives appointing Messrs Clark, Smith and Potter with such as the Senate may join "committee to inquire into the facts whether the Laws relating to the election of State officers by the people in pursuance of the Constitution need any alteration or amendment, also to inquire what alterations or amendments the public interests may require in the Laws relating to the organization of Plantations came up for concurrence, was read and concur- red and Messrs Dennet and Grover were joined. [Order of H.R. Laws relating to State officers]
" That the committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of passing a Law obliging the agents of insurance Companies out of the State to make an exhibit of their capital stock and to regulate the same in such a measure as they may think the public safety requires. [Order H.R. Insurance companies]
" That the committee on the Judiciary be directed to inquire whether any alteration in the present terms of the Supreme Judicial Court or any additional terms of that court are necessary and expedient. [Order of H.R. terms of Sup. Jud Crt]
" That the committee on Internal improvement be directed to inquire into the expediency of making appropriation for completing the Matanawcook road with leave to report by bill or otherwise, [Order H.R. appropriation for Matanawcook road] and That the committee on Banks and Banking be instructed to consider and report whether any and what further measures this Legislature ought to take in relation to the Vassalborough Bank, and also to consider the expediency of restraining by Law, Banks from transacting the ordinary business of the Bank at any place other than at which the Bank is established were severally read and passed in concurrence [order of H.R. Vassalboro Bank]