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the Arts applying a power which although not primary and enative is doing much to produce new and embellish old establishments. It would have been considered proper to have produced a Statistical view of the results, except that it is known that an hand has grasped the subject and will present a map, calculations, and reasoning which cannot but meet the wishes and encouragement of the Legislature, as such objects have received the encouragement in several of the other States, and as they must receive encouragement or fail.

  What has been done and what may be done will all be directed to satisfy persons abroad as well as at home that hare isafied for their enterprise where equal rights and with some local exceptions equality in the social condition is enjoyed, where industry finds its certain reward within the reach of the plough, where virtue gives ranks and where the highest objects of philanthropy are accomplished by imparting to every mind that religious and literary instruction which prepares it for earth and heaven.