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12 On to Frederickburg [Fredricksburg]

December 11, 1862. In the morning we wer raised up and got our breakfast and got ready to march. About the time we got ready a verry heavy booming of canon was opened about Fredericksburg. We started and marched over near the place on a hill and lay there all day and the fireing still kept up. At night the firing seased and we lay down for the night in verry cold we chanse.

12th We moved down towards the Rappahan-ock River [Rapphanock River] and lay a few hours. Soon the firing began near me we moved into the edge of the woods and camped.

13th In the morning the ball opened again and held on all day. Just before noon the musketry camensed and we were drawn up in line and awaited orders. We started about three oclock P.M. And marched down near the river where we could see the figh-ting up back of the city. We soon started and crossed the river and went up back of the city and formed a line of battle behind a bank and lay there in reserve.