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132 and [pet. B. Fenwick Bill - Indians] on petition of Benedict Fenwick reported Bill additional for the regulation of the Penobscot and Passamaquoddy tribes of Indians and the same was read once and tomorrow 10 o clock assigned for a second reading.

Mr. Herrick from the Committee on Engrossed Bills reported the following to be truly copied viz [Bill - towns of Edgecomb & Westport] Bill to divide the town of Edgecomb and incorporate the part thereof known by the name of Jeremy Squam Island and, as a town by the name of Westport, and [Bill. Cumberland & Oxford Canal] Bill additional to establish the Cumberland and Oxford Canal Corporation and the same were passed to be enacted

Adjourned Attest, Eben Huchinson, Secretary

N.B. The aforementioned Bills were presented to the Governor for his approbation and signature on the fifth day of February, 1828 at ten oclock in the forenoon Attest, Eben Hutchinson, Sec