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Wednesday January 13th 1830.

Met according to adjournment.

A communication was received from Thomas Fillebrown Esq member elect from the town of Winthrop declining the trust resigning the same to the House, on account of ill health.

On monition of Mr Clark of Hallowell, Ordered, That the Selectmen of the town of Winthrop be notified if the resignation to this House of Thomas Fillebrown as a Representative elect from said town, and requested to fill the vacancy as soon as may be, & that the Clerk of the House transmit a copy of this order to said Selectmen forthwith - read & passed. and the Clerk forwarded a certified copy thereof & accordingly by this days mail.

On motion of Mr Hamlin of Columbia, The House resumed the consideration of the order moved by Mr Boutelle, yesterday and passed the same - The question of passing the same was taken by yeas & nays & decided as follows yeas 74 nays 69 see appendix page 257.] and the Clerk communicated the message as directed in & by said order.