Friday 15" January 1830-
The Senate met according to adjournment.
[Remonstrance of D. Smith & others]
Remonstrance of Daniel Smith and others of the Town of Waterboro', against the legality of the votes given, in said town, for Governor, Senators &c, came up; it was read and referred to the Committee to whom were referred the returns of votes for Governor, in concurrence -
[Time to choose a Chaplain]
On motion by Mr Meqquier, the vote of yesterday assigning eleven o'clock this day, for the choice of Chaplain, was reconsidered.
On motion by Mr Gardner; Ordered, that the Senate new proceed to the choice of a Chaplain.
[1st. Ballot]
The Committee appointed to receive, sent and count the votes given for a Chaplain, reported; That the whole number of votes was "sixteen" Necessary to a choice --- "Nine" Stephen Lovell had ---Six Elijah Kellogg ---- Four Ichabod Nichols --- Thee William J. Rees Two Samuel Rand ---- One No choice
[2d. Ballot]
2d ballot, The whole number of votes was - "Sixteen" Necessary to a choice --- "Nine" Stephen Lovell had --- Nine Elijah Kellogg ---- Four Ichabod Nichols ---- Two William J. Rees - One Whereupon the Rev' L. Lovell was declared to have been elected. Chaplain elected.