331 Resolve providing for the appointment of a person to take care of the military property of the State in Portland was read & referred to the next Legislature in concurrence with the Senate.
Mr. Ricker of Minot has leave of absence after this day during the remainder of the session.
Resolve confirming the sale of land made by Milford P. Norton to William Emerson, Samuel Thatcher Jr, Dominicus Parker, John Williams & Ivory Jeffords was read 1 & 2 time & passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.
Ordered that the Committee on the Pay Roll be directed to make up the pay of the members of this House for travel and attendance including Saturday next - not withstanding any directions heretofore given to said Committee to the contrary.
Bill to incorporate the Saco Bank came from the Senate passed to be Engrossed as amended on sheets annexed marked B for concurrence - and the House so far recede from their former votes as to adopt the amendments of the Senate & pass the Bill to be Engrossed as thus amended in concurrence.
Resolve establishing a valuation for the State came from the Senate they having reconsidered their vote passing the Resolve to be Engrossed and ordered the same to be re-engrossed as amended on sheet annexed marked A for concurrence - & the House reconsider their former votes passing this Resolve finally & to be engrossed adopt the amendments proposed by the Senate & order the same to be engrossed as thus amended in concurrence.
Resolve providing for payment of extra expenses of certain members of the Valuation Committee was read & indefinitely postponed - sent up for concurrence.