133 General in the sixth division of the Militia of this State, read and sent down.
[Petitions referred] The petition of the Inhabitants of the Town of Belgrade for separate representation. " of the town of Richmond for the same privilege " of the Inhabitants of Windsor for the same privilege, were severally read and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on the apportionment of Representatives in concurrence.
[Remonstrances referred] The Remonstrance of Samuel Kincaid and others, against the petition of Whitefield and Alna, for opening mill dams on Sheepscot river. and the Remonstrance of Rice King and others against the same petition, were severally read and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on Interior Fisheries in concurrence.
[Petitions referred] The petition of Timothy Hall, Jr, praying for a pension, was read and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on Military pensions in concurrence. The petition of the Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court, praying for an addition to their salaries, was read and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on the Judiciary in concurrence. The petition of Joseph Houlton and others, in reference to the Houlton road, was read and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on State Lands in concurrence. The petition of Edmund Pilsbury and others for an academy
at Newport, was read and referred to