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�Brunswick March 31st, 1864

To His Excellency Gov. Cony: Governor, I am informed that several new batteries will probably be raised in this State, and most respectfully ask that your Excellency will consider my request for a lieutenantcy in one of them. I am desirous or entering the service this Spring, and prefer the Artillery as the one with which I am most conversant. I have devoted considerable time to the study of Field Artillery. and to some extent under[?] the direction of an able Artillery Officer, and therefore do not feel any embarassment or want of confidence in asking you for the position. I enclose a note to you from Col. Chamberlain, and would further refer you to the recommendations I had the honor to hand you on the 6th Feb. from Bowdoin Faculty. I am respectfully your Obt. Servt.[?] TM[?] Given