Cost in criminal prosecutions, Bill regulating 259.262.275. Carlow's Island Bridge at Eastport, Bill to incorporate the proprietors of Constable in Calais, Perry, Lubec and Robinston, Bill enlarging the powers of 180.187.204.
D Dunlap, Robert P, elected President 2, address 2.319. Draftsman engaged 49. " Resolve providing payment of 293.301. Deaf and Dumb, order relating to the 14th report of the American Asylum for the education of 60. " Resolve in aid of 227.239. Debtors, Bill to abolish the imprisonment of honest for debt
E. Emerson, William, Councillor 17, acceptance 51, qualified 52. Education, Orders relating to " Bills relating to Enginemen - Bill authorizing Selectmen of Hallowell to appoint an additional number of 129.169.251. " Bill authorizing the selectmen of Bangor to appoint a corps of 212.218.239. " Bill additional relating to 235. Elections, Bill additional regulating