and passed in concurrence.
Order from the House of Representatives, instructing the committee on the Militia to enquire into the expediency of exempting those who are enrolled and actually do military duty from a poll tax, passed in concurrence.
The petition of Chalres Harding in relation to State's Land was read, and referred to the joint standing committee on State Land, in concurrence.
The petition of the Selectmen and town Clerk of the town of Porter, for a bounty on Wolves &c was read and referred to the joint standing committee on agriculture, in concurrence.
Remonstrance of True Bradbury and others, against the incorporation of Limerick Plantation, was read and referred to the joint standing committee on the incorporation of towns, in concurrence.
The petition of Thomas Wing, for a law respecting flowing lands, was read and referred to the joint standing committee on the Judiciary, in concurrence.