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S. Senate called to order 2 Secretary of the Senate elected and qualified 3 Smith Abijah chosen Councillor 17, acceptance 53, qualified 55 Secretary of State elected 18, acceptance 22, 22 " " ordered to notify councillors of their election 17 Smith Samuel E. proclaimed Governor 20 State Treasurer chosen 32, acceptance 89 89, " " annual report of 44 State Prison - report of the Inspectors of 51 " " " of the Warden of 63 " " an additional Act regulating the 193, 202. 208 - " " Resolve relative to the officers of 254, 258, 273 State Printing, Order relative to 62, 100 - Stetson, town of Incorporated 67, 78, 108 State Valuation, committee on appointed 48 - " " Resolve establishing a - 287, 308. 309 " " " correcting the 298, 306, 307 Stationary, [stationery] Resolve for the purchase of 297 State tax, an Act to apportion and assess 306, 315 Senators elect, appeared 1 " called to order 2 " qualified by the Governor 2 " returns of Votes for, laid on the Table 5 " order relative to seats of 5 " Report of the Committee on votes for 13 Senate, President of, elected 2 Secretary of State read the Titles of Acts and Resolves 320 - State House at Augusta, relative to 66. 239, 246 State Lands, relative to 261, 264, 279, 285 Secretary of the Senate, compensation for completing Journal 293 - " " " " authorized to appoint an Assistant - 4