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House of Representatives

Saturday January 26. 1833.

Met according to adjournment.

On motion of Mr. Smith of Westbrook, the House reconsidered their vote of yesterday whereby they recommitted the Bill to incorporate the State Bank, amend the Bill by striking out the word "State" in the title of the Bill, and wherever the same may occur afterwards in the Bill, and insert in lieu thereof the word "Citizens" - and pass the same to be re-engrossed as thus amended - and the Clerk by Message acquainted the Senate therewith and requested their concurrence.

Resolve - in favor of the Passamaquoddy Indians, laid on the table by Mr Lowell of East Machias - was read a first time and Monday next at eleven oclock assigned for a second reading.

Report on an Order relative to the expediency of a law prohibiting the enquiring into the religious sentiments of a witness in any Court - came from the Senate for concurrence - they discharging the Committee from the further consideration of the subject & referring the same to Messrs Randall Emerson and Howard with such as the House may join - and the House concurred and joined Messrs - Lowell, Dumont, Jewett, Smith of Westbrook, and Spring - sent up.

The Committee on Engrossed Bills report as duly re-engrossed, Bill- to incorporate the Citizens Bank - which was passed to be enacted - sent up.