The report of John G. Deane and Edward Shavanagh came up from the House referred to the committee on State Lands. The Senate recede from their vote referring said report to the committee on the North Eastern Boundary and concur the House in their reference of the same.
Resolve in favour of the towns of Buxton and Hollis, reported by the committee on Turnpikes, Bridges, and Canals, was read once and Monday next at eleven o'clock assigned for a second reading.
Bill additional to an act to incorporate the Proprietors of the Augusta Hotel, reported by the committee on the Judiciary, Bill to prevent the destruction of Salmon trout reported by the committee on Interior Fisheries were severally read once and tomorrow at ten o'clock assigned for a second reading.
Mr Davee, from the committee on the Incorporation of towns, reported leave to withdraw on the petition of Abiathan Austin and others, and on the petition of Jedediah Adams and others, severally read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence.