there is to be acted upon the present session, and when the Legislature may have a recess read and passed, and Messrs Keith and Hodgman are joined.
Mr Scammon, from the Joint Select Committee on an order relating to the appointment of a General Inspector of fish, reported that Legislation on the subject is inexpedient. Sent down for concurrence.
The petition of sundry inhabitants of Portland, for an alteration of the Probate Laws, was read and referred to the committee on the Judiciary, in concurrence.
Mr Merrill, from the committee on the Division of towns, reported orders of notice on the petition of certain inhabitants of Rome and petition of Joseph Ordway and others, severally read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence.
Mr Gibson, from the committee to which was referred the communication of Mark Harris, Treasurer of State, elect, and also the bond submitted by him, reported, that, in the opinion of said committee, said bond is sufficient, read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence.
Mr Merril, from the committee on the Division of towns, reported leave to withdraw on the petition of Asa Soper and John Haskell and others, severally read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence.