2 republic are likewise rapidly progressing in all those attainments which render a people virtuous, prosperous and happy. Our nation throughout its vast domains, is continually undergoing improvements; the population is increasing with a rapidity unexampled in the annals of the world, and regularly advancing in the arts and sciences, in practical knowledge, intelligence and power; our agriculture, commerce and manufactures, mutually aiding and supporting each other are striving with increased activity; our relations with foreign powers continue generally in a most favorable state; and in the course of another year, the United State may exhibit an instance without example in the history of modern times, of a powerful nation, unencumbered with a public debt.
This happy and prosperous condition of our country is chiefly to be attributed under the blessings of a kind Providence to the nature of our republican institutions and the just and pacific policy uniformly pursued by our National Government, which without being turned from its course by motives of national ambition and vain glory, makes the welfare and happiness of the people the exclusive object of its consideration. To preserve from infringement the principles of those institutions and to maintain their purity and efficiency, should therefore be the unceasing endeavour of the constituted guardians of the public welfare.
The great object, contemplated in the adoption of the Federal Constitution was, to ensure a more perfect union of the States, whereby the security and welfare of the whole would be most effectively promoted. The result of the experience has been attended with the most complete success and proves that it is the dictate of providence and patriotism to adhere strictly to the provisions of the national compact, and to preserve inviolate the harmony of the Union as the firmest guarantee of our independence and prosperity. It becomes therefore, the duty, as well as the interests of the individual States on all occasions to respect legitimate authority of the