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Advised that WHO •s vmo IN carrying xny,. bitg1>aphy will be included in A. time capsule at the Hob~rt Hutcldna Godde.rd MemoriR.1 Librs.ry at 1Iorchester,!:r:i.ss. The capsule \~rill be opened in the 25th Centu.ry.Asked to Help nmYly orc?'w"'.1izoll Huntr:nrille Liternry '.)ociet:l to r1dvise on tha r n°·1.,0 ··-• .. ,.d' c·i..u11 Pro .... .,. ('•an P.or'J "Ct'"'C' 1,• \.,.- 1 1·c·~·!·ion -r:,os:;· 0]·~..;' m"lf::""'Z:t'ne o:f o.,..,.,.:,n ,)~ ~ J.' .'_.I.!.'... ' ',;.tt_,.,"'.",. 1-'"·' Frr.ncisco revie-1·te r:icven ]:>Ub1ished boo.k~ of mine, three by me.FOUHDS pubJ.i::hcd in Lonc,on. 1'!n.J..ttr J owcinfcln n.cks to reprint ms 11 :::;urvival"; 1 ·1·11· ""li 1, I d .• :r- ,~~t.;b:tn •... ,,,~,.~. ·no l) .1c..• ·~·;,.,.\":.·· r.· ,.,.,.,,,·c, L~ to 1·11,1<:::trnt~ h'<:!, m.., T""i~· ·- <..,,. <., c l. .. ..... Cv .J.t.U-l .1_ J. -'-1 C. 0 ':ri th co1lcgo ~photctc fror1 the press.N .Ch~.tterji a,nks for matorin.l :for hir: booJ: 11 Av:-i.:nt Garde _; over:ientD, A Cri ticn.1 Biblioe;rnphy. ~.:old rights o:f.' }!'r-...,r:l11,:el 'r· Gern:=li:::, o:f Tro1)ic of Cru1.cer to Fel trinelli T:di tor~ in . l iJrn1. J.nnt of tvrn n,rticles on trip to Hew:founclland 8.-p:pen.red in December

\n:Jricr:-,.n ~>J_)Oech, dri,ted 1966 no is one yc::i..r behind schcdu_le .Correspondence

· r=Lt},_ :Dn.t ch ~~..r:10ric8.n poet Lee Ver Du:ft !'.'~nd '.7ill unclert'.:'J::c -'c;o reis!1ue · d.: of ldr: titlcB in my li:mi ted hP.nd-mt"t_de format::-; if orders allow·. ~ '"'.:::_o ~:~n.:1y r;lip caces by h~.nd d1;.ring jihe yer,,r J:or inclivicln.8,l titles a.nd T:,'"'t,::,rin.J..0 r::ein{s .to UCLA o.nd Colby in :frequent r,nilings. Invited to join I11torn.n.1 ibn~.1 l'ln.tf'or.m Asi;;;ocintion ~.na. Roy&,1 B:J.mmBook(Lonclonl. CI1. v",c~tio:n, first out of Hunt::ville in three y:::n:rr~, fl,c,':iT to :?:x:po 67 to t,.,J;:e in curre:nt o.ncl projected mov-:mentc 1:1.ncl iden.r! in f.'l.rchi tecture· n:,--,_c1 design; cro r.rned by bus from llontrenJ to l'n.cs:J.dtu:i:1::cac :;~l"!.ine to '1,"] r:1· + ,,-,o+·i. . r..r ,-,~i..,w,.. T ~1·n 1~. Inr1i· !".-1 rer:'i-,;·-,..r~+i· on .-.~·,,1 o·-1,1 'Po1•·m c~,,o(' -:r".lcto"l">"'lr re· - , ,,. '~v ...,..1-.... U .•tf·• tu:r-:'.1.in(1: to Hu.nt~viJ.Je by bus n.nd air ~.f'tor ctop r.t Ciu?li ty Bot>1tr1 in Jhi1ri.del3)hia, l,eo.n1 the 16 titJ.Go o±' nmnc there were ctill si ttin.g · • • r1, t~,rpicn.l oet11:p of the printi..11-g trade dol8,:,;- P.f-ter delr,y '"'.r.td. J.i ttle proni r:-e but nlwn.~,;s ho:pe. i.'orc1 :finally received fron. UliF! :co thP-:t I W,:J.S not ~-:elected. for a pos·(; in :phyr::iics · a~ the UniverBi ty of Brazili~, also vrnrcl: that condi tione' in Greeqq :Wp~a. not nllo·1:, f.wlection n0\7 .for ·a.' job in 8. trn.de school there; wq.rd ever crone from nn ri.pp}icri:tion to go to a uni verni ty in :.Pi:,.Jri Bt, ffli contact with ..-,chevill a:f·t;er n long tilcnco. Correermndence rnhe lhilli:pn, Hobert \'lbitener, J2e Ver Dutt. -· .- ........ T '·' T, ·ch en, .... C T>i h ard BO'\"!ffirl.ll •.:re~ ·::i.ng G -l·t . . .

-'vcrc t"'"' ..i:-'O.r.1.1er,t,f1J11C8 C. 1CO . . . s,..t:•senne th .r~,U

t, . in111.1i:r:iw :eor right!:1 in e.;l.ish of pubJ.L,herr:; in Lpn.in, r.lco book o~der$. 1 _:hirG..: often of vmyc 8.!ld Y4j~..ns .,.;o. g::::t 01.1.t of Htmtcville ::i.nd to fotlnd, · in phynicrtl buildil1[SD reald. ty .the I;g.riti tute of AdVPJlCCd T(.l.inJring . ' S·... 0







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