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214. House of Representatives Thursday February 14. 1833.

Met according to adjournment.

On motion of Mr Smith of Westbrook - Ordered that Messrs Smith of Westbrook, Mowry of Lubec and Kimball of Bethel be a Committee to determine the expediency of directing the Secretary of State to call upon the Selectmen and Assessors of the several Towns and Plantations throughout the State and upon the Mayor of the City of Portland to make returns of the amount of labour and money expended by their several Towns and Plantations and by the City of Portland in the construction and repairs of Highways and Bridges from the year 1829 to 1832 inclusive and to report by Bill or otherwise.

Report on Petition of Proprietors of Parsonsfield Seminary - was read and recommitted - sent up for concurrence.

Bill - to prolong the charter of the Bath Bank - was read a third time and passed to be engrossed as amended on sheet annexed sent up for concurrence.

Bill - providing that Draws in Free Bridges over Tide waters shall be made at the expense of counties - was read a third time and indefinitely postponed - sent up for concurrence.

The House again assumed the consideration of the Resolves relating to South Carolina - A call was made for the previous question, and the call being