Mr Emerson from the joint standing committee on State Lands, reported leave to withdraw on the petition of Thomas Waterman.
Mr Talbot from the joint standing committee on Turnpikes, Bridges and Canals, reported secure [?] to withdraw on the petition of Cornelius Turner and others.
Mr Knowlton from the joint standing committee on Parishes: reported leave to withdraw on the petition of Gilman Clark and others; which Reports were severally read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence.
Bill to repeal an act additional to an Act to regulate the manufacture and inspection of stone lime, and lime casks;
Bill to increase the Capital Stock of the Manufacture's and Traders Bank;
Bill for the benefit of the Damariscotta Bridge;
Bill to incorporate the Mechanic Bank;
Bill additional to an act to provide for the packing and inspection of Pickled and smoked fish:
Resolve for the relief of Samuel Leach;
Resolve on Massachusetts Claims;
Resolve for the benefit of the town of Carthage, were severally read once & tomorrow