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288 House of Representatives Thursday February 28, 1833 Met according to adjournment

The Committee on leave of absence report that Mr. Bartlett of Garland and Mr. Stinson of Bowdoinham have leave of absence after this day. Mr. Cushman of Bridgton, Berry of Denmark, Walker of Lovell, Nevers of Sweden, Spring of Hiram and Rust of Washington after Friday next, each during the remainder of the Session.

Resolve for ascertaining the quality of the soil, growth of timber and geology of certain parts of the Public Lands, came from the Senate for concurrence , they having refused to finally pass the same, and indefinitely postpone the same. The House recede from their former vote finally passing the and concur with the Senate in indefinitely postponing the same. Sent up.

On motion of Mr. Dunlap of Brunswick, Ordered, that the Committee on the Pay Roll be directed to ascertain the correct distances from the seat of Government, to the several towns and plantations in this State from which a Representative has been sent to this Legislature the present year and make up the Travel accordingly - read and passed. Sent up.

Order relating to the time of making up the Pay of Members was taken up and committed to Messrs. Smith of Westbrook and Mr. McCrate and Magoun.

On motion of Mr. Smith of Westbrook, Ordered that the Committee on the Pay Roll make up the