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308 The Committee on Engrossed Bills, report as duly Engrossed Bill relative to certain powers and duties of County Commers. - additional, respecting Innholders, Retailers and Victuallers - to incorporate the Skowhegan Bank - for making known the organization of Plantations - prescribing the duties of the Secretary of State and of Sheriffs in the distribution of public Documents. - to repeal an Act additional to an Act to provide for the packing and inspection of Pickled and Smoked Fish which were passed to be enacted - sent up.

The same Committee report as duly Engrossed Bill to incorporate the Washington County Bank which was passed to be enacted - sent up.

The same Committee report as duly Engrossed Resolve in favor of Willm. C. Fuller - relating to the Public Laws - in favor of Parsonsfield Seminary - for erecting a Monument to the late Govr. Lincoln - for the benefit of David Mosher - in favor of Samuel W. McMahon - for the Benefit of Jabez Bradbury - requiring Clerks of Towns and Parishes, holding Parsonage Lands or funds to transmit a statement thereof to the Secretary of State which were severally finally passed - sent up.

And the House adjourned.

Afternoon Met according to adjournment

Resolve relating to the Militia, laid on the Table by Mr. Webster of Belfast was read once, and indefinitely postponed - sent up for concurrence.