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313 for certain Purposes - was read a first, second and Third time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate sent up.

Bill additional to an Act granting a Lottery to encourage Steam navigation in this State and other purposes - came from the Senate, they nonconcurring the House in the Indefinite postponement of the Bill, and the House recede from their vote indefinitely postponing the same. The Bill was then read a second and third Time, the amendment of the Senate adopted and passed to be Engrossed as thus amended in concurrence with the Senate - sent up.

An Order relative to employing some person to take charge of the Public Buildings during the recess of the Legislature, came from the Senate, they having nonconcurred the House in passing the same and indefinitely postponing the order, and the House recede from the vote, passing the order, and indefinitely postponing the same in concurrence - sent up.

Report of the Committee on the subject of Lotteries - came from the Senate, they having nonconcurred the House in their amendment and adhere to their former vote accepting the same, as amended - sent up.

And the House adjourned

Attest Asaph R. Nichols Clerk.