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314 House of Representatives Monday March 4th 1833

Met according to adjournment

On motion of Mr. Smith of Westbrook Ordered that when this House adjourn, it adjourn without day and the Clerk by Message acquainted the Senate therewith.

On motion of Mr. Jarvis of Ellsworth Ordered, that the Governor be requested to return to this House a Resolve, entitled a Resolve relating to Public Lands, if his signature has not been already affixed to the same. read and passed. And Mr. Jarvis of Ellsworth was directed to communicate the same to the Governor, but the House refusing to act further on the Resolve, the same was returned to the Governor by message.

On motion of Mr. McCrate of Nobleboro', Ordered that Messrs. McCrate, Clark of Hallowell, Smith of Westbrook, Washburn of Livermore and Piper of Levant be a committee with such as the Senate may join to wait on the Governor and inform him that the Houses have passed upon all the Public Business now before them and are ready to adjourn without day and to inquire if he has any further communication to make to them. Read and passed. Sent up for concurrence.

A Message was received from the Senate, informing that when they next adjourn, they will adjourn without day.

Bill additional to an Act granting a Lottery to encourage Steam