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319 that a message be sent to the Governor, enquiring of him whether an Act entitled an additional Act to organize govern and discipline the Militia which finally passed the House of Representatives to be enacted on the second day of March instant, has been presented to the Governor for approval, also a Resolve in favor of Daniel Savage and others - read and passed. And Mr. Clark of Hallowell was directed to communicate the same to the Governor.

A message was received from the Governor in answer to the foregoing, by the Secretary of State, who stated that the Governor did not receive the Act in addition to an Act to organize, govern and discipline the Militia of this State, until the morning and that he has not sufficiently examined the same, therefore it had not received his signature. And that the Resolve in favor of Daniel Savage and others, had been received by him and had received his signature.

And the House adjourned without Day. Attest: Asaph R. Nichols Clerk