Hilton, reported the same as amended, and the same was passed to be engrossed as amended. Sent down for concurrence.
Bill to incorporate the Winthrop Mutual Fire Insurance Company.
Resolve for the relief of the town of Bingham " for the promotion of Primary Schools in the town of Brooksville. Resolve authorizing a loan in favor of the State severally read once, and this afternoon at three o'clock assigned for a second reading.
The Report of the joint standing on the Judiciary, to whom was referred a Bill to establish the Fees of Clerks of Courts, and giving further remedies on Clerks Bonds, that said Bill ought not to pass; came from the House accepted for concurrence. Read and accepted in concurrence.
Resolve respecting the sale of Public Lands, came from the House; the House nonconcurring the Senate in passing said Resolve to be engrossed and adhere to their former vote refusing said Resolve passage. The Senate insist on their vote passing said Resolve to be engrossed, propose a conference, and appoint Messrs Emerson, Warren and Cobb Conferees on the part of the Senate. Sent down for concurrence.
Resolve for the relief of the town of Brownville, came from the House indefinitely postponed. Read once and indefinitely postponed in concurrence.