Resolve providing for building a Bridge in the town of Brownville. Read twice and passed to be engrossed in concurrence.
Bill additional to organize, govern and discipline the militia of this State, came from the House amended for concurrence. The Senate recede from the vote whereby they passed said Bill to be engrossed, amend as on sheets annexed marked B & C, and the following order was proposed by Mr. Cob. Ordered that this Bill be referred to the next Legislature, and that the Adjutant General cause the same to be printed and transmit a copy thereof through the usual channels of communication on the militia department down to the commanding officers of the several companies of the Militia of the State. Who shall be required to read the same at the head of their respective companies, on the day of the annual inspection in September next, and then and there ascertain by taking a vote thereon, what number of the soldiers belonging to said companies respectively are in favor of the enactment of this Bill, and what number of said soldiers are opposed to the same; and each commanding officer of Companies