Resolve relating to losses sustained by sundry Inhabitants of Madawasha in the County of Penobscot, came from the House the House insisting on their vote passing the same to be engrossed, propose a Conference, and appoint as Conferees on their part Messrs Washburn, Gross & Andrew. The Senate refused a conference and adhere to the vote whereby they indefinitely postponed the same. Sent down for concurrence.
Resolve providing for publishing the Laws of the State, came from the House referred to the next Legislature, for concurrence. The Senate nonconcur, and on motion of Mr Webb the same was postponed to the fourth day of July next. Sent down for concurrence.
Resolve for printing and distributing the militia Laws. Read twice, amended as on sheet annexed marked A, and passed to be engrossed as amended. Sent down for concurrence.
Resolve for the removal of the Seat of Government from Augusta to Portland came from the House indefinitely postponed, for concurrence. the Senate nonconcur the House, and refer the same to the next Legislature. Sent down for concurrence.
Mr Bradbury from the joint standing Committee on State Roads, reported leave to withdraw on the petition of the Inhabitants of Argyle. Read and accepted.