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Resolve for the sale of land south of the Monument Line 281 " providing for the choice of school commissioners 281,285 " in favor of Alvan Bickford 285,291,310 " in favor of Abraham Osgood 286,291,301 " in favor fo Geore Sawtell 286,291,301 " for building a bridge in the town of Brownville 286,292,301 " requiring clerks of towns and parishes holding parsonage lands and funds to transmit a statement thereof to the state 286,297,308 " in favor of William C Fuller 286,287,293,308 " for the benefit of Jabez Bradbury 290,297,308 " in favor of Samuel W McMahon 291,308 " for printing and distributin the Militia Laws 291,309,312 " in favor of Obed Wilson 291,306,310 " in favor of Daniel Libbey 291,301 " in favor of John Cottle 292 " providing for publishing the Laws of the State 297 " for the benefit of David Usher 299,301,310 " for erecting a monument to the late Gov Lincoln 302,308 " authorizing the sale of land in the town of Lincoln 301,308,312 " in favor of Commissioner of Public Buildings and to appoint a superintendent of Public Buildings 304,317,316 " in favor of Asa Reddington Jr 301,312 " relating to the militia 308 " for laying out a road connecting the Baring & Houlton Road with the United States Military Road 310,316 " making an appropriation for certain military purposes 311 " in favor of Theodore Bruce 311,315 " additional respecting the territory lying north and east of the river St Johns & St Francis 311,316 " on the pay roll of the House of Representatives 311,316 " in favor of William P Preble 311,316 " on the pay roll of the Senate 312,316 " in favor of Benjamin P Lake 314 " presenting of House to Speaker & Speaker's answer 316 Remonstrance -