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37 restraining by law prospectively the circulation of one and two Dollar Bills within the boundaries of this State with leave to report by bill or otherwise - read and passed sent up for concurrence

On motion of Mr Jarvis of Ellsworth Ordered that henceforth this House shall hold one session a day commencing at ten oclock and that all adjournments shall be to that hour unless otherwise ordered read and passed

Petition of inhabitants of Otisfield Harrison Bridgeton Sebage and Raymond for the incorporation of a towns -of inhabitants of Plantation No 14 in Washington County to be incorporated into a town - of Inhabitants of Plantation No13 east Division Washington County to be incorporated into a town - of Richmond Loring and als for incorporation of No3 with 4th Range Binghams purchase east of Kennebec River - of Ebenezer Sawyer and als for the incorporation of township No8 in Somerset County - of inhabitants of Bluehill for an act for an act regulating Wharfage at the wharves in said town - of Nathaniel Smith and als for the incorporation of a part of Mariabell into a town by the name of Tilden