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restraining by law prospectively the circulation of one and two Dollar Bills within the boundaries of this State with leave to report by bill or otherwise - read and passed sent up for concurrance [concurrence]

On Motion of Mr. Jarvis of Ellsworth Ordered that henceforth this House shall hold one session a day commenceing [commencing] at ten o clock and that all adjournments shall be to that hour unless otherwise ordered read and passed

Petition of inhabitants of Otisfield Harrison Bridgton Sebago and Raymond for the incorporation of a town -of inhabitants of Plantation No. 14 in Washington County to be incorporated into a town -of Inhabitants of Plantation No. 13 east Division Washington County to be incorporated into a town -of Richmond Loring and als. for incorporation of No. 3 in the 4th Range Binghams purchase east of Kennebec River -of Ebenezer Sawyer and als. for the incorporation of township No. 8 in Somerset County -of inhabitants of Bluehill for an act for an act regulating Wharfage at the wharves in said town -of Nathaniel Smith and als. for the incorporation of a part of Mariavill into a town by the name of Tilden