Saturday January 4th 1834
Met according to adjournment
An order came from the Senate appointing on their part the several Joint Standing Committees as follows - and the House joined them as follows
On the Judiciary
Messrs. Rogers " Groton " Emmons } of the Senate
Messrs. McCrate of Nobleboro " Washburn of Livermore " Pierce of Portland " Dumont of Hallowell " Jarvis of Ellsworth " McIntire of York " Bronson of Anson } of the House
On Literary Institutions Messrs. Pierce " Farnham " Farnsworth } of the Senate
Messrs. Hunton of Readfield " Seaver of S. Berwick " Cilley of Thomaston " Vose of Augusta " Parris of Buckfield " Robinson of Hallowell " Cushman of Winslow
On Banks and Banking Messrs. Cogswell " Rogers " Brown } of the Senate
Messrs. Dunlap of Brunswick " Allen of Lubec " Hyde of Bath " Clapp of Portland " Spaulding of Norridgewoc [Norridgewock] " Morton of Augusta " Treat of Orono } of the House