Bill to Encourage Literature & the useful arts & sciences was taken up & the House refused to reconsider their vote indefinitely postponing the same
Bill to regulate the sale of sheepskins came from the Senate for concurrence passed to be Engrossed & the House now concur and adhere to their former vote indefinitely postponing the same sent up for concurrence
Bill regulating the place of anchorage for Monhegan Island was read & referred to Messrs. Baxter of Bristol Smith of Boothbay & Frost of Topsham
Resolve in favor of the town of Cape Elizabeth was read 1st time & tomorrow at 10 o'clock assigned for a 2d. reading
Resolve relating to the State arsenal was read a 2d. time & passed to be Engrossed as taken into a new draft sent up for concurrence
Bill to incorporate the Proprietors of the Fulton Steam Mills was read a 3d. time and passed to be Engrossed as amended on sheet annexed marked O and sent up for concurrence
And the House adjourned until 1/2 past 2 o'clock this afternoon
Met according to adjournment
Bill to incorporate the Proprietors of the Waterville Gardiner & Boston Packet Company was read first and second time and tomorrow at Eleven o'clock assigned for a 3d. reading