members of the Valuation Committee was read & recommitted to the Committee to the Committee on the part of the House who reported the same
Resolve in favor of the town of Lubec was read amended and indefinitely postponed
Resolve for the payment of Accounts against the State Roll additional No. 12 came from the Senate for concurrence passed to be Engrossed as amended on sheet annexed marked E - and the House so far recede from their former votes as to adopt the amendments of the Senate & pass the Resolve to be Engrossed as thus amended in concurrence
The Committee on Engrossed Bill report as duly Engrossed Resolve correcting the State Valuation which was finally passed sent up for concurrence
Resolve in favor of Joel Wellington was taken up & the House having received the Report of the Conferees on their part nonconcur the Senate - reconsider their former votes relative to this resolve & refer the same to the next Legislature - sent up for concurrence
And the House adjourned
Thornton McGaw Clerk -