Nays. Messrs. Bradbury, Bridgham, Brown, Cobb, Farnham, Farnsworth, Frye, Groton, Howard, Kelsey, Labaree, Pierce, Porter, Prescott, Rogers, Smith, and Williamson - 17. And the Senate insist on their vote passing said Resolve to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence.
Mr Cobb, from the Joint Select Committee, to which was referred the communication of Mark Harris Esq. Treasurer of State elect, signifying his acceptance of that office, and also the bond submitted by him, reported that, in their opinion, said bond is good and sufficient, read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Resolve in favor of Reuel Williams was read a second time, and, on motion of Mr Knowlton, ordered to lie on the table.
Mr Rogers from the Joint Select Committee to which was referred an order directing them to inquire when the Legislature may have a recess, reported that the Legislative may have a recess after the tenth of March next, read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Resolve in addition to a Resolve authorizing a Loan in behalf of the State, Resolve in favor of Peter Golding, " in favor of Alfred Marshall, (as amended) " in favor of the town of Winslow, " in favor of Benjamin R. Lake (as amended), " authorizing a temporary loan in behalf of the State, Bill to repeal certain sections of an Act to regulate