Mr Rogers from the Committee on the Judiciary to which was referred certain orders and petitions relative to the existing License Laws, made a report that legislation on that subject is inexpedient. Mr Pierce made a motion to recommit said report with instructions to report a Bill repealing all License laws, and the question of recommitting said report being ordered to be taken by yeas and nays was decoded in the negative as follows, to wit; Yeas. Messrs. Bradbury, Frye, Howard, Kelsey, Pierce, Porter, Rogers and Williamson ------ 8 Nays. Messrs Allen, Bridgham, Brown, Cobb, Chandler, Farnham, Farnsworth, Groton, Knowlton, Labarec, Manning, Prescott, Smith & Tobin - 14. On motion of Mr. rogers the report was so amended as to submit a Bill; which Bill additional respecting Innholders and Retailers was read once, and on motion of Mr Prescott ordered to lie on the table.