The Report of the Bank Commissioners was taken up and referred to the Committee on Banks & Banking. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Resolve in favor of Moses True, " in favor of Sewall Prescott, " authorizing a part of the Bank Tax to be distributed among certain towns that have failed to make any annual return to the Secretary of State, (reported by the Joint Select Committee to which was referred an order relative to that subject,) severally read a second time and passed to be engrossed, in concurrence.
Bill to incorporate the Orrington Canal and Railway Company, (in new draft,) Bill altering the time of holding the Court of Common Pleas in Penobscot County, Bill to establish the Sagadakock Ferry Company, and Resolve in favor of Silas Barnard, severally read a second time & passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Resolve authorizing a grant for constructing a road in the County of Washington, (reported by Mr Bradbury from the Committee on State Roads, to which was referred the report of Moses True, agent appointed for locating a Road,) Bill to incorporate the Proprietors of the Moosehead Dam Company, (reported by Mr Farnsworth from the Committee on Turnpikes, Bridges & Canals, to which said Bill had been recommitted)