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primary schools, and an Institution for the better qualification of Instructors, was read once, and on motion of Mr. Groton laid on the table and ordered that four hundred copies of said Report and Bill be printed for the use of the Legislature.

Bill to incorporate the town of Chester, was taken up, and on motion of Mr. Cobb laid on the table.

Bill relative to Broad rimmed Wheels, reported in the House by the Joint Select Committee to which were referred sundry petitions in relation to that subject, was read once, and recommitted in concurrence.

Bill additional, relative to the inspection of Fish was read a second time and ordered to lay on the table.

Petition of Ebenezer Shaw and others, inhabitants of China, for a Dam at Augusta, was read and referred to the Committee that have that subject under consideration, in concurrence.

Remonstrance of the inhabitants of the town of Durham, against being set off from the County of Cumberland, and annexed to a new County, was read and referred to the Joint Select Committee that have that subject under consideration.

Resolves providing for amendments to the Constitution of the State, (reported in a new draft by Mr. Bradbury from the Joint Select Committee to which was recommitted said Resolves,) were read and passed to be engrossed as taken in the new draft. Sent down for concurrence.