Arsenal at Augusta, Bill ceding to the United States jurisdiction over 109.116.159. Asylum for the Blind, Massachusetts, exhibition of Blind pupils of 195.
B. Baileyville, town of, Resolve in favor of 236.241.249. Bangor, City of Bill to incorporate 135.143.187. " " additional to incorporate 332.338.343.355.361. " and Dexter Stage Company, Bill to incorporate 109.159. " Horticultural Society " Pier Corporation, Bill to incorporate the Proprietors of 159.310.321.333. " and Skowhegan Stage Company Bill to incorporate 294.302.322. " Bill to authorize certain persons to build a Bridge across Kenduskeag Stream in, " Bank, Pres. Directors & Company Bill to incorporate Bank, Androscoggin, Bill to incorporate 109.123.159. " Bangor Presdt. Director & Company of Bill to incorporate " Bath, Bill further to prolong the Charter of 275.294.318. " Calais, Bill to increase the Capital Stock of 147.152187. " Canal, Bill additional to incorporate 107.113.154. " Commissioners, report of 288.300. " Exchange, Bill to increase the Capital Stock of 123.129.141. " Frontier, Bill to incorporate " Grand Falls " " 106.128. " Manufacturers Savings, Bill to incorporate 156.163.199. " and Traders, Bill to increase the Capital Stock of " Merchants, Bill to increase the Capital Stock of 89.94.135. " Skowhegan, Bill providing for the appropriation of the annual tax upon " tax, Resolve authorizing a part of to be distributed among certain towns that have failed to make annual returns to the Secretary of State 288.295