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Mr Potter of Augusta was charged with a message to the Governor to inform him that a constitutional quorum of members elect is assembled, and request his attendance at the Representatives Hall to qualify them to enter upon the discharge of their official duties - who having attended to the duties assigned him reported that the Governor would attend forthwith - Accordingly, the Governor attended by the officers of the several departments preceded by the Sheriff of the County of Kennebec came in when the members elect took and subscribed the oaths or affirmations required by the constitution to qualify them to enter upon the discharge of their official duties.

A committee ocnsisiting of Messrs Perkins of Kennebunkport, Woodbury of Minot, Sproul of Waldoboro, Walls of St. George & Potter of Augusta was appointed to receive sort and count the ballots for a Clerk who having attended to the duty assigned them, reported that the whole number of ballots given in was one hundred & seventy six - necessary to constitute an election eighty nine - that James L Child had one hundred, Daniel W Pike had forty three - Daniel Pike had fourteen - Charles Waterhouse had sixteen - William Buxton one and Jonathan Cilley two and James L. Child of Augusta was declared elected, and being present signified his acceptance and took and subscribed the oaths required by the constitution to qualify him to exercise the duties of his office which were administered to him by Hon. John Holmes of Alfred a Justice of the Peace throughout the State.

The Clerk presided in the further organization of the House.